Sunday, October 26, 2008

I need coffee...but I don't do that drug!

I figure if I can avoid the drinking of coffee over the next year, I'm good for life :)

For those of you who maybe didn't know, I'm back in WI for a year(ish)!! I'll be back at Wartburg in the fall, but for now I'm now over two months into my job as youth director at my home congregation, and I am exhausted. I've learned my scheduling lesson. In the past two weekends I've lead a sleepover for the elementary crowd, gone bowling with the middle school group and been to camp and back. Never mind the "normal" crazy things happening during the week!

But it is good! This job certainly has (and will continue to have) it's fair share of challenges. Wait, I take that will have MORE than it's fair share of challenges (just trust me on this one). Yet I know that what I will learn about ministry in this short year will have a tremendous impact on who I am as a pastor (or campus minister?). And quite honestly, from my experiences with families in this church, I know it will certainly impact who I will be as a wife and mother. And I have to say, it's a bit strange (but very exciting) to know that the whole "wife and mother" thing is for sure now! (Not engaged and pregnant for sure, just engaged for sure...didn't want anyone freaking out there!)

Wedding plans are starting to ramp up, even though it's a year and a half away. Can we say thank God for bridal stores going out of business...let's just say I got a killer deal on a wonderful dress!

I know I haven't posted in forever...I promise to keep 'em coming :)

Oh yes....and the saving the world bit...
check this out...

Hope y'all are well :)


Cassie & David said...

It's about damn time for a post! :P I am really glad you seem to be having an eventful time with your job. That's really exciting about the dress, I am really looking forward to the wedding (however, it's still really weird to think that Seth'll be married... and by that I mean that I'm just so used to him not being married obviously ;P) Hehe, really look forward to seeing you again! :)

Anonymous said...

all i can say is don't get married the same day i do or you're DEAD!!! What date have you set? Please please please don't say 21 Aug 2010... ;P i hear you on the stress of ministry... hang in there, trust God, and know IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, It's not about you!!!! (tell myself that every day!)