Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Win for Fair Trade!

It's True, It's True, Stephanie Still Lives!!
It's been a busy season here at Koinonia...lots of school groups coming in during the week, and then of course retreat groups on the weekend. But here I am! Some highlights from the last month or so...
the ice is off the lake, which means it's kayaking time...YAY
my sister Lisa just came to visit for a week...YAY (that's right...3 Broadway shows in 2 days..woot!)
I will be coordinating the Servant Events in NYC this summer for Koinonia (along with plenty of other things), which I am SUPER excited about
I REALLY miss my friends and family...YAY?

Exciting Fair Trade Koinonia News!!
So last Sunday was our first fair trade Sunday here at Koinonia. We are now serving fair trade coffee on Sundays in the conference center (after worship and at meals) and are carrying Equal Exchange products in our store. I was very much reminded of Wartburg as I was putting on all the little price labels (flashbacks will get you every time!). We are working on a way to serve it all the time, but right now the equipment we have to brew coffee is free from the food service we get our coffee from. This means that if we stop buying coffee from them they are going to take the equipment back...and then we would have to serve the coffee grounds straight up. Even though I don't drink coffee, I don't think the coffee drinkers of the world prefer their coffee in that manner.

The Shoveling of Poop Continues...but it's FRESH now!
Yep, the animals have arrived at Koinonia. Right now, all my pictures of the animals are trapped on my camera (I still need to install the software), but I promise to post them soon. We have six chickens (that's all I have to say about that), two sheep (they jiggle when they's funny), three goats (one is a baby goat, he likes to escape from the ticks momma off...but I think it's funny!), and two pigs (who sometimes try to eat your shoe if you don't get their food in their trough quick enough)! They are FUN!

Who'd have thunk it...Steph can preach without a manuscript!!
For two different weekends in May we had a S'Mores and More retreat which is for 3rd-6th graders who want to experience camp a bit. They come with their church groups and do camp things for the weekend...including worship. Both weekends I was asked to lead worship and preach. Last Sunday it was our first outdoor worship of the season, which was perfect because the creation story was conveniently in the lectionary cycle! It also meant that there wasn't so much the type of pulpit/lectern that you can put a nicely printed manuscript on. So I said, ok, it's mostly a story because I'm preaching to mostly kids, so I'll put in on notecards. And then I barely used them. It was a bit scary, but wonderful. And then my boss told me the sermon was perfect. AHHHHH!!! No pressure. What he really meant that it was I did a good job zeroing on the age group of most of the people there. It was absolutely a TON of fun though. One thing that has been a HUGE blessing the past few months is the amazing affirmation of my call to ordained ministry. I love that I am spending a year or so here and know it is an important part of my journey to ordination, but very much look forward to heading back to Wartburg next fall! I think I will appreciate more than I ever have before and be able to get much more from the experience as I will have a better perspective, a lot of fresh air, and even more experience coming back with me!

Shout out to all the Graduates!!
Yay to all the people who have graduated or survived another year of school (teachers and students alike)! Special props to all the Wartburg folks (obviously I didn't last the whole year...tehehe), I've heard fun bits and pieces about chill cookoff, fantastic bonfires, etc etc! Good luck to all heading off to internship, y'all will do AWESOME!

Don't Forget About Saving the World
It IS Google, but with a social conscience. They donate $ to charity every time you use it!

Love You All (COME VISIT...or just send mail :) )

Oh yeah, and on Easter, Seth and I got engaged!

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