Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm here and I'm gone...

So I've been at Koinonia for a whopping two weeks and have been rather neglectful of this blog. Apologies! Be assured that it is because I have been unpacking, quite busy, and having a great time! I've already worked with a few youth groups who have been retreating here, survived my first quilters retreat (ok, I loved them!), and am currently planning a "Smore's and More" weekend (an intro to camp type weekend for 3rd-6th graders. Tomorrow morning we all leave for Atlantic City for a tri-state ACA (American Camping Association) conference until Saturday, which should be great fun and a great way to get to know my co-workers (and roommates) even better.

I sent out an e-mail with my new address and phone number (Verizon is basically the only phone that works up here so I had to switch)...if for some reason you didn't get it, shoot me an e-mail and I'll send it to you, because I am certainly not posting that type of info for the world to see :)

There shall be many more stories to come as well as other details about the wonderful-ness of life out here in Highland Lake...did I mention we have an entire lake within our property?...yup, it's OUR lake!

Don't forget to keep saving the world...

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