Thursday, February 14, 2008

Saving the world, one new job at a time!

Hello Hello and welcome to my blog....a place where you can catch up on the crazy happenings of Steph's life and also save the world! Yes...I have decided that I will no longer be bashful about this...I want to save the world, and plan on doing so. Obviously, however, I cannot do it myself, and would greatly appreciate help ("ahem, cough cough" that means you).

So first, the title of this blog. Anyone who knows me from Wartburg or knows of my activities at Wartburg knows that if you mention coffee or chocolate, my first question will be "Is it fair trade?? Is it fair trade??" Why am I so insistent? Well, I think ideas like fair trade products and microloans (more on that in a later post) are the kinds of ideas that make great strides in saving the world. The basic idea behind fair trade is that the farmers who are providing food and drink (coffee and chocolate are only the beginning!) should receive fair compensation for their product and their work. Fair trade is not about a "handout", it is simply about a fair exchange of money for goods and labor. The process also cuts out a lot of the middlemen (or middlepeople!), meaning a fair price for the consumer as well (that's you and me, yay!). This pretty little picture from the Equal Exchange website really makes that clear! For more info check out their

And of course, the new job! As soon as some paperwork and reference formalities are taken care of I am moving to New York. Highland Lake, NY to be specific. I will be a part of the "Servant Community Leaders" program at Koinonia Lutheran Camp with other post-college young adults. The program offers a plethora (look at how I manage to get one of my favorite words into my first post) of ministry opportunities. Obviously, there will be outdoor ministry involved, but I will also be working with congregations in the area, social organizations in NYC, and the many inter-generational retreats and programs that happen at camp throughout the year. So what will I actually be doing? YES would be the catch-all answer. Everything from cleaning bathrooms (and other such upkeep on the site itself) to working with a youth group in the Bronx once a week to leading worship on site to setting up ministry opportunities in NYC for church groups who want to do service there. Once I arrive, the team will work together to find where specific people's gifts could best be used, but I can be guaranteed a great variety within the 18 months or so I will be there. Speaking of 18 is a program that is designed to move us out into something new. My something new will likely be something old (as in, I will return to seminary to finish my studies), but for now I am incredibly excited for the opportunity to be exposed to and get some experience in many different types of ministry. Oh, and y'all can come visit whenever you want (it's only 2 hours from NYC)!

P.S. I have set up this blog so you DO NOT have to have a Google account to post replies and comments and comment away!


Anonymous said...

First comment! w00t!

Welcome to the blogosphere, and congrats again on the job. J. Michael Parsh and Susan say congratulations as well (actually, Susan says, "Mazel tov!").

Anonymous said...

You like Seth and support Fair Trade- "Fantastic!", I say, sipping my cup of Equal Exchange organic French Roast.
I wish you a smooth transition to this new job. Give me a call when you get settled in.

Natasha said...

COME BACK! :( Anywho ...Fair trade for the win! I will do my best to support FT Chocolate :D


Rach said...

congrats on the new job... best of luck to you!

PS - check out "" a coffee cooperative in mexico where they grow AND roast their own coffee - recreating jobs lost with NAFTA.

Unknown said...

Comment me I will never!

Natasha said...

ooo just so you know, steve's been drinking fair trade coffee inadvertantly for awhile now :D

Anonymous said...

I miss you! In our short time together I learned much about you (Seth too! ;-) but I don't think we discussed that plethora is one of my favorite words too. We were meant to be together if only for a few, beautiful, brief months.

To those of you who haven't a clue who I am, Steph and I worked together the fall semester here at WTS. Her spirit and expertise are sorely missed in this office but Willie did a FANTASTIC job on the Rural Ministry Conference! He did EXACTLY what I asked that he do at your going away party. ;-)

Take care, hon! I'm happy for you and in your honor, I occasionally "Find the quiet place inside of (myself) where God lives and REST there..." :-)

Shelli K

Tracey said...

Hey PAL! Sounds like a GREAT fit for you. New York AND camp AND ministry AND a break from seminary but not a break from being called. Yay, you! Apparently, I need to know about "Seth."

Off to preach! XO, PAL